Friday, July 4, 2008

Apple Pie Spice

Well, I don't have anything baked yet for today because I'm baking for a Family Reunion tomorrow. I have 3 things to take but two of them you have already seen. I will post a non-dessert soon. However, I have a story.
So I'm in the baking aisle today, I know hard to believe, and this lady stops me. Let me first say, I do not own a shirt that says I'm the Baking Redhead, ask me a question. I think people see me in there so much that they think I either work there or since I take so long on that aisle, that I'm just as confused as they are. So back to my story... This lady asked me if I have ever heard of Apple Pie Spice. I told her I had heard of it but I had never purchased it at that store. She asked me if I knew the substitute. Well, I thought I knew what spices went into it, (cinnamon, nutmeg, and maybe cardamom) but I did not know the quantities off the top of my head. She asked one of the checkers and of course they had no idea if they had ever carried the product.
This all bugged me very much so I immediately came home and looked up the recipe for the spice. *Drum roll* 4 teaspoons ground Cinnamon, 2 teaspoons ground Nutmeg, and 1 teaspoon ground Cardamom. Sometimes companies add Allspice or Cloves to the mix. However, the cinnamon and nutmeg are standard and the cardamom is usually the wild card of the group. So now you know and I wish the bewildered lady in the store knew also. I refrained from giving her my card.

Happy 4th of July!

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